Pixie unfilmed moments blog-like-thingy:

Hol-ee Rollerr:
given shes such a small dog finding toys; especially when it comes to balls isnt all that easy(cat ball toys are the perfect size but arent made for doggos to chomp on so i only let her play with one once and that was it. so for the first year of her life we always played fetch via a stick or fir/pine cones until i found a Hol-ee Roller in Walmart. even though it was for dogs "small/petite" according to the label i could tell it was going to be too big for her; but it was airy so i got it for her.

first time i threw it she chased after it like she knew what she was doing but she picked up some random fir cone that was kinda nearby the ball instead of the ball and came running towards me. just as she was about half way over to me a weird look came over her face as she stopped in her tracks; dropped the fir cone; turned around and ran back and and got the ball and brought it back to me.

im still kicking myself that i didnt get it on video

a year or so later i happened up on a Chuckit ball stand in a farm store with several size options and seen the smallest ones they sell arent much bigger than a golf ball and couldnt resist buying it. next times we played fetch i took both balls with us and threw them at the sametime. several different sessions of playing fetch she would always fetch the Chuckit ball instead of the Holee-Roller so i retired it and just take the Chuckit ball with us

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coming back home:
numerous times after eating in town or such when i first let her out of her crate and pick her up she puts her nose near my mouth but not close enough to make contact and sniffs my breath with her ears pinned back and eyes wide while she figures out exactly what i ate while in her abcense LOL and whenever i go to my brother and sister in laws place she sniffs my clothing for a really long time while she smells their animals and whatever else clung to my clothes while i was there. that's the only time she ever does sniff my clothing though is when i go in someone elses home

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i typically dont eat at my computer desk unless im the only human that's home. one time while watching a series on Netflix while i was eating ramen something was going on in my show to make me not pay all that much attention to what i was doing but i did hear a soft kinda 'splat' sound soon after i scooped up ramen on my fork; went to take a bite off the fork and there was no ramen on it... looked down and there was Pixie with a huge wad of noodles hung on her rather small muzzle with a look of awe and surprise. i grabbed it off her right fast and gave her tiny pieces of a noodle after all that

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walking dads dog:
after coming home from a shopping trip i put foods that go in the fridge/freezer away and then i walk my dads dog for him while he puts the other foods away. i didnt see the pile of crap left by his dog(yes i know it wasnt Pixies poop since i dont walk her the same area) but i sure felt it on the bottom of my shoe. i did my best to scrap it off on a tree root that was sticking up out the ground slightly. came back in with his dog and into my room to take my dog out. well Pixie wouldnt come to me. she just pinned her ears back and stood there looking at me. so reached out to grab her and she put her front paw on my arm and tentatively sniffed my jacket and her ears popped back up like she was happy and wanted to come to me but still was hesitant about it. then i seen her nose twitching like she smelled something and that's when i knew... she was trying to tell me "you smell bad!!!" LOL to add to the matters Pixie doesnt like my dads dog so she was very 'ew' about it

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every time i hold her like a infant and talk to her she'll make eye contact with me and do a half head tilt while she listens. always makes me smile

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barks / not exactly a happy moment but here it is:
shes not a dog that barks. even when playing she doesnt really bark she just makes very soft noises that wouldnt even scare a sleeping fennec fox from its slumber. however one time when walking over to our mailbox i noticed a car parked along the road about 20feet away with someone crouching in front of it with a camera with huge/very long lenses on it pointed at my neighbors house/yard area. i thought to myself 'well that's strange.' as i opened the mail box she started barking and growling. surprised me with just how loud she can bark 'and' growl. the hairs along the back of her shoulders were even raised up paired with her lunging to the end of the leash at the person. telling me she meant business. very uncharacteristic of her as shes loved every human shes ever met right up until that point. all of which gave me the creeps even more so i hurriedly picked her up and left. - what exactly was it that my dog whos loved EVERYONE didnt like; and why in tarnation were they getting pictures of someone elses house/yard.... something i wonder on to this day

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morning routine:
every morning when i let her out of her crate she puts her head down on the floor and rubs her head and face on my carpet with her tail waggling. after a few moments of that she lazily flops to the floor with all 4s sticking straight out looking like one of those fainting goats that just got scared and then starts to 'air runs' in place while sounding like a little toy car trying to start. i reach down and rub her belly and she'll stop all movement until i stop rubbing her belly and then one or two things will happen. she'll either stand back up and rub her head and face on the floor again or she'll grab at my hand and playfully chomp on my fingers(doesnt hurt at all but feels really weird when i pull my finger out of her mouth cuz i can feel her do a weird thing with her jaw where it'll feel like shes chattering her teeth on my finger LOL) and if i try to pet her she'll play bow and doge hand until she can get a hold of my hand or fingers again. after few minutes of that she'll finally jump up in my lap and i put on her harness and leash and take her outside. she always hurries in the morning so she can get back in the house to eat. once we are back in i'll hand feed her her kibble cuz she can scarf a whole entire cup of kibble in a nanosecond.

continued into section below

kibble / or lack there of:
for the first 3years of her life she 'free fed' where i just let her eat whatever she wanted out of her bowl. i thought she was doing pretty good with it since she'd eat a little in the morning; a little in the after noon and then a little more before bed time. just like my late toy poodle who never had weight issues. however one time when my brother and sister in law was visiting she asked me(for like the 10th time so i knew i had to explain better that shes not a mix) "what kind of dog is she?" and i said "pure bred chihuahua" and my sister in law then asked "shes not a mix?" i said " nope. chihuahua,, long haired one obviously but just chihuahua" hoping then she'd understand that shes not a mix. to which my sister in law then said "oh so shes a fat chihuahua then." i said "shes not fat,, it's just her hair making her look that way" and that's what i really did think! but one time when playing fetch with her with the angle she stood at i took a better look at her body frame. i couldnt tell the difference from her chest to her belly. it was all just a single line. no tuck visible at all and thought 'yep.... she IS fat' LOL so i took her food bowl away and knocked down to having barely half a cup of kibble once a day until she lost the extra 'fluff.' now in the winter time i feed her one cup of kibble and in the sumer she gets half a cup. regardless of the amount shes given i still have to hand feed her her kibble now though or she'll scarf it like shes starved to death even though its now been a couple years after being put on a diet. to be fair im sure she really did feel like she was starving in the beginning since was eating prolly a cup and a half(or more) of kibble until that point.

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her right ear fuzzies are thicker than her left ear fuzzies due to a grass seed that got stuck in her hair and with each step she took it tangled up into a pea sized knot that i had to cut out. than a year or so after that happened she laid in front of my fan on the floor and her hair got blown around just right that it tangled up and created much of the same type of knot once again in her left ear fuzzies that i had to cut out
