slight road trip!
i got assigned to watch the orangish red boys (Turbo and Pudge and BB the cat) for a handful of days again
(my brother had to make a quick stop somewhere first along the way)

Pudge all growed up and now a tid bigger than Turbo. Pudge was a still a tad timid around me but quickly warmed up to me (especially if i had food lol) but mostly i think he remembered me from last time

Turbo wanting me to play with him

Turbo and Pudge both wanting me to play with them
i would drag Turbo around with the funky corded doughnut toy of theirs. Pudge most of the time would watch until i slowed down just enough and then hed grab the toy and i'd drag them both around the house. they loved it and was it was a good work out for me too. during those endeavors i left Pixie safe in the bedroom she and i sleep in. i didnt hear any whining from her while playing with them so i think she knew(and could hear) that it was safer to be in there while i played with the two big goons lol

once done playing with them i would go in the bedroom and pick her up and sit down in the living room and the they would join us in relaxing either on the couch

or over there in their own chairs
they were still playful but not bouncing off the walls with puppy energy like last time so Pixie wasnt nervous around them until they would come over and put their face next to hers. after gently pushing them away with my foot and telling them "no" a few times they learned to leave her be

BB (which stands for barbeque since his coloring is dark redish orange like some BBQ sauces) would meow at the front door to be let in to eat and chill out with us and then after however long would meow to go out again for the rest of the night. he was still unsure of me but this time would rub up against my leg each time he came in

this time i couldnt leave Turbo and Pudge out in the fenced back yard by themselves as they are very smart and figure out how to get out of the fence no matter how many blockades is put up or fixing is done to the fence. so i'd lock Turbo and Pudge in the house to be on the safe side but they also cant be left in the house by themselves for long at all or they chew on things like window and door frames. so i pretty much just took her outside long enough to go to the bathroom and that was about it. i did brave playing fetch with her once for about 20minutes

and take a few pictures of her chilling in a wildflower patch though

i love these two big dorkuses but they are a handful and im kind of hoping i dont have to pet sit them again until another year goes by lol - that or they get some kind of huge outdoor dog kennel/pen thing that they cant get out of so it's not so boring for us to be there next time. i watched all of a series on Netflix called Fubar and got into the middle of season 3 of Longmire. though i like both shows i was very much TV'ed out and more than ready to go home (and Pixie too)

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